This week’s Access Point photo may only have looked familiar if you’ve been looking very, very closely. Then again, it’s hard not to look closely at the orchids at the Atlanta Botanical Garden’s “Orchid Daze: Towers of Flowers” display.
In this case, Twitterer @dreweli was the first to suggest it was inside the Atlanta Botanical Garden, and commenter Laurie Dupree was the first to say it was an actual orchid at the Garden. Indeed, it’s a Laeliocattleya Spring Squall, and there are two of them among the 998 orchids in this year’s Orchid Daze display. (Some orchids in the display were grown in the garden, but this one came from Peach State Orchids.)
Becky Brinkman, the Botanical Garden’s Fuqua Orchid Center manager, said this particular flower is a hybrid of Laelia and